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Our dental and vision coverage is not through your medical/health benefits and is not administered by the District. The CCTA appoints trustees who are responsible to manage the funds for dental and vision coverage through what we call the Benefit Trust Fund. As long as you are a CCTA bargaining unit member, you are eligible to receive this insurance and there is no cost to you. However, you must complete the enrollment forms as described below.


CCTA Benefit Trust Fund Trustees:

John Hines- Chair

Eric Holzapple-Treasurer

Micah Medvedev-Secretary

Ryan Baxter-Trustee

Tara Berchielli-Trustee​


If you are currently employed by the District, you should contact one of the people on the committee with any questions you may have.


Do not forget to complete a new amended enrollment form if you have a change in marital status, birth of a dependent or if you retire. Reminder, all dependents are covered until age 26, regardless of whether they are full time students.


Legal plan

NYSUT Legal Plan Enrollment:

All participating members in the Benefit Trust may enroll in the Legal Plan. There is no fee to the member for enrolling. Upon completing the enrollment form, you will receive an informational letter from NYSUT regarding the plan and its benefits. To highlight some of the benefits provided to us under the plan, they are as follows:


- Telephone advice

- Toll-free 24-hour Hotline for emergencies

- Two, free, hour-long office consultations per year

- Simple Will and Reciprocal Will

- Document review

- The Preventive Law Guide newsletter

- Estate planning seminars or Will Days

- Document review

- Legal letters written and phone calls made on participants’ behalf

Our dental coverage is through Ameritas. 


Phone: 1-800-487-5553


Dental Benefits Summary              Dental Enrollment Form 


For the Dental Enrollment form:

Fill in the Policy and Div. # 026-301533-00001  and leave Cert# blank


Complete the enrollment form and send via interoffice mail to Eric Holzapple at CCHS or email to


About a week after you enroll, you should go to the Ameritas Dental registration website:


You will need the policy number which is: 026-301533-00001

This will allow you to access your dental benefits, claims records, Id card and other useful information.

Dental Enrollment

Vision Enrollment

Our vision coverage is Davis Vision provided by MetLife. However Brown & Brown handles our vision paperwork.

You should register for an account at:


You can ask your provider if they take "Davis Vision with MetLife". Under our current plan, our members are free to utilize the services of any vision care provider of their choosing. However, the new plan will also provide for enhanced benefits when a member uses a provider that is a part of the Davis Vision network. Use this link to locate providers.


Vision Benefits Summary              Vision Enrollment Form


Vision Out of Network Claim 


Complete the enrollment form and send via interoffice mail to Eric Holzapple at CCHS or email to


Members who are retiring are eligible to continue dental and vision coverage on a self-pay basis. Coverage under retirement will continue until the plan ceases or you fail to make the required payments. If coverage lapses due to failure to make timely payments, there will be no reinstatement. Retiree coverage is not automatic. You must complete an enrollment form and return it to the benefit trust fund treasurer. Individuals who are retiring should reach out BEFORE the last day of retirement.


Be aware that if you ever decide to decline enrollment you can never join in again.  

 As of January 1, 2024 retirees will be billed by Brown and Brown quarterly. Cost below are effective as of July 1, 2024.


Both Dental and Vision: 

Family coverage: $291.90 per quarter (plus a $3 billing fee)

Single coverage: $127.53 per quarter (plus a $3 billing fee)


Dental only:

Family coverage: $240.00 per quarter (plus a $3 billing fee) 

Single coverage: $105.00 per quarter (plus a $3 billing fee)


If you elect to pay for the benefits as a retiree, you just need to fill out an enrollment forms above and return to Eric Holzapple at CCHS or scan and send to He will enroll you and then Brown & Brown will start billing you. If you do not receive a bill you should contact Brown and Brown, see contact below.  


Retirees do all of their business/questions directly with Brown & Brown for both dental and vision. If retirees have a specific question about their actual bill contact Shaquana.  


Shaquana Clarke

(516) 247-5893


For all other questions, please email the general mailbox

©2020 by Cornwall Central Teachers' Association

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